Probate process 'simple for most': It can be easier for many more

A recent study has found that despite the common misconception that probate is a daunting and complicated process, it is actually a simple process for many when a Will is known to exist.

According to a recent study by IRN Legal Research, 71% of respondents found probate to be a simple process when the Will was clearly written and drafted. However, when there is no Will, the process becomes more complicated, with 35% of respondents reporting difficulties in the probate process due to the absence of a Will.

This highlights firstly the importance to write a Will, but secondly ensuring that the Will that has been drafted, can be easily located. The National Will Register provides 2 key services to assist in the probate process, Will Registration and Certainty Will Search.

With over 10 million Wills registered in its system, almost half of all Wills written in the UK, The National Will Register has become a core tool in estate planning. Much before the probate process begins, Registration of a Will with The National Will Register can assist to ensure that it is easily located when the time comes, avoiding unnecessary confusion as to the existence and location, which often leads to delays and complications.

To ensure the probate process begins as smoothly as possible, ensuring you have the Will, and more importantly, the last will, if one exists is critical. It is just as critical to ascertain if a Will does not exist, ensuring that the process begins on the best-informed basis. A Certainty Will Search ticks all of these boxes.

In fact, at least 1 in 5 Wills located through the Register has impacted estate administration by being unknown to the executor at the time of searching or superseding a held Will, incorrectly thought to be the last.

These tools can provide peace of mind to the testator, and attempt to reduce any confusion in the probate process, at a time when the testator is unable to communicate their wishes, and therefore reliance on a will becomes priceless.

Click to find out more about Will registration and Certainty Will Search.