Certainty Will Search Guide

Certainty Will Search Guide
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Lost, missing or unknown Will? Checking there is no other Will?

Executors and Personal Representatives (a person responsible for distributing the deceased’s estate) can be held personally financially liable for loss to the estate due to the executor’s actions or lack of action, which affects one or more beneficiaries, which could have been reasonably avoided, even if the loss was caused by a genuine mistake.

It is therefore vitality important as a first step when distributing the estate to undertake a Certainty Will Search using The National Will Register. This demonstrate steps were taken to understand if a Will exists (even if you believe a Will was never written by the deceased) or if you are in possession of a Will that you are using the very last Will written and a later unknown Will does not exist.

The Certainty Will Search Information Guide is a helpful guide to understand how and why to check there is no Will or later Will before proceeding with the distribution of an estate.